
Chapter 196 The Great Gospel of John, Book 1

15. Says Kisjonah, 'That, dearest friend, I do know indeed; only the ways and means on how this is possible, that is where I would like a hint. Surely you need motion? But how speedy and sure this must be! For compared to this, lightning itself is a snail's pace. Ah, ah, I must think no more about it. If only you had needed at least a hundred moments for all this, then the thing would still be understandable; but like this - without discernible span of time - and in best order at that, this is what yanks me right out of my usual thinking mode, so that I hardly dare to breathe for reverence and admiration.'

16. Say I to Kisjonah, 'Now then, friend, are you not finished with your astonishment yet? I suggest that we now take our seats at the table and first eat supper and discuss further points on God's omnipotence and His most distinct love and wisdom thereafter.'

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