
Chapter 196 The Great Gospel of John, Book 1

15. Says Kisjonah, 'That, dearest friend, I do know indeed; only the ways and means on how this is possible, that is where I would like a hint. Surely you need motion? But how speedy and sure this must be! For compared to this, lightning itself is a snail's pace. Ah, ah, I must think no more about it. If only you had needed at least a hundred moments for all this, then the thing would still be understandable; but like this - without discernible span of time - and in best order at that, this is what yanks me right out of my usual thinking mode, so that I hardly dare to breathe for reverence and admiration.'

16. Say I to Kisjonah, 'Now then, friend, are you not finished with your astonishment yet? I suggest that we now take our seats at the table and first eat supper and discuss further points on God's omnipotence and His most distinct love and wisdom thereafter.'

17. Says Kisjonah, 'Forgive me, Lord! I nearly forgot why the foods and drinks are on the table, for all the astonishment over astonishment; hence I would ask You and all Yours to get down to the table! But where is the mother of Your body Mary, and those she brought with her, Your supposed sisters, that I may go and fetch them to supper?'

18. Say I, 'Just ask about your wife and daughters; that's where also good Mary is, together with the daughters of Joseph, who was My earthly adoptive father. These are now busy with each other taking in everything, for which they would of course still have tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and even later. Our young and nimble servant shall indeed fetch them and bring them here; so be at ease.'

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