
Chapter 2 The Great Gospel of John, Book 1

(John 1:10) He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, but it did not recognise Him.

6. It has already been plainly discussed in verse 5 how this world, that is, benighted men who with their entire being have gone froth from Me or, which is the same, from the primordial light (the word) could fail to recognise Me or the primordial light, notwithstanding all the forerunners and proclaimers of My advent. However, it has to be specially mentioned that in this case under ' world' is not to be understood the earth, as carrier of souls under judgment which actually constitute matter, but only those people who, although partly derived from this matter, no longer belong, or are supposed to belong, to this primeval soul matter under judgment once they have been made independent beings, for it would really be asking too much if I demanded of the stone, which is still in an extreme state of judgment, to recognise Me. This can justifiably only be expected of a liberated soul in which My Spirit is dwelling.

(John 1:11) He came unto His own, and His own would not receive Him.

7. Thus, as already mentioned, not the earth, but only men in their soul and spirit nature are here to be regarded as actually the Lord's own - My own, because they are, as it were, themselves primordial light out of My primordial light and thus at one with My fundamental essence.

8. But since in this particular existence, which within them expresses itself as the feeling of exaltation, they are weakened and because of which weakness I came to them as into My original property and am still coming, they failed to recognise Me as a result also themselves and their very own fundamental essence which cannot ever be annihilated since it is basically My essence.

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