
Chapter 2 The Grossglockner

Chapter 2 - The Significance and Origin of the Iron.

1. What an important item the metals, specifically the iron, make up in your household chores, you do not need a lot of mathematical knowledge to calculate such.

2. What would you possibly do without the iron?! Yes, certainly you can accept: Without the iron, no letter would have ever been printed; without the same you would prepare your homes with great effort and with difficulty and with even more effort and struggle you would have meager clothing; yes, without the iron there would be no ships on the ocean nowadays and no wagon in the country.

3. Without the iron you would not have a single tool to loosen up the ground and sow the grain-seeds into the soil, yes, in other words: Without the iron you would be the poorest creatures on earth in both natural and spiritual ways so that every animal would overtake you! But with the help of this highly-blessed metal, you can obtain everything because all kinds of useful instruments and tools can be manufactured from iron. You could not even prepare a simple grave for a deceased brother without the iron, and therefore you would have to either toss the corpses into the rivers, here and there bury them at least in shallow sand or carry them onto the highest mountain covered with eternal snow and ice, if you did not want to be surrounded by a constant breath of plague. In short, the usefulness of iron is far too great to be misunderstood.

4. Certainly, some short-sighted people would say: "In the event of an emergency, meaning, in the absence of iron and thus also of all other metals, which together and all are all determined by the existence of iron, one would have to make do with wooden instruments!"

5. This might be true; however, the question is, with what will a tree then be cut down, hewn and cut into various makeshift tools?! Look, from this it is clear that the iron in man's natural sphere of life is the very first prerequisite; without this, even bread baking stopped, and man's food would be restricted merely to raw natural fruits.

6. Now that we have seen this small preview, how unavoidably necessary this metal is, consequently, we also want to take a look at its formation.

7. You already know from an earlier announcement, namely from the depiction of My great "Household (of God)" and called main work by you, where there is a message from the coming and going of the sea, that during the supernatant or excess of the seawaters this metal accumulates through the salt of this water, but primarily by the influence of the stars, in the interior of the earth, and in certain pre-determined passages or veins of the same.

8. This is right and true, - yes, therefore this accumulation is well-calculated, that complete and subsequent 14000 years are not capable to consume the metal completely! But here is another very important question about the formation of the iron, and this question reads as follows: "Is this iron, formed by the sea and the stars, already proficient that one can process it and manufacture all sorts of tools from it?"

9. O no, I say to you, it is still an immature fruit, which has the ability in itself to become ripe and palatable and consequently also palatable, but in its unripe condition is neither one nor the other!

10. Now that we know this, again the question arises: "Yes, how will the iron ripen?"

11. The answer is given to you by every miner as well as every botanist and every farmer, saying: "Through rain and mild sunshine everything thrives and ripens fine!" And so, it is.

12. Rain is the main prerequisite to all culture, consequently also to the culture of iron. Though, if the rain would persist uninterruptedly, it would soon suffocate the fruits and after a long time it would also consume and make the metal of the mountains numb; but for everything to thrive, a right order must be respected everywhere.

13. But who is appointed by Me to regulate such order on any world body? And by whom will it continuously be maintained?

14. Now we can once again make a trip to our Grossglockner! Take a good look at him, how he towers high into the skies and into the regions of the clouds, and how he is besieged by thousands and thousands of jagged rocks and -ledges!

15. Look, this king of mountains has a wider sphere of action to suck in electricity and magnetic atmosphere than your weather and lightning conductors on the roofs of houses!

16. What, then, is he... apart from what we have not already heard in the previous statement?

17. See, he is an incredibly large and strong accumulation and storage chamber of the electric and magnetic matter! If he then works in a threefold way through his long- distance effect, which is already known to you, namely through irrigation, then he also provides all the water and preferably the rain with the appropriate quantity of electricity and magnetic atmosphere.

18. These two polarities, however, are in natural terms the main condition of everything that flourishes and all growth and ripening of the plants and mineral world, and through these two subsequently also of the animals.

19. However, since our Grossglockner is such a huge accumulator of these polarities, it can be shown here with few words that the ores of the subordinate mountains owe their useful maturity (of the metal) mainly to the glaciers, since the glaciers are simply the stewards of the temperature over all the lands below them.

20. Now that we know this, I draw your attention to the fact that these high snow and ice-mountains, as in our case the Grossglockner, most of the time donate their other already known blessings by way of their children and grandchildren across the ground; consequently, in this way they too give out this electromagnetic material

21. But whatever is still behind this electromagnetic material, and how fast it will spread out into all directions, we will ultimately learn when we are in the sphere of the spiritual depiction of this regional mountain-father.

22. But for now, let us conclude this section, and only add the brief consideration, that at all times the greatest and most blessing effects are constantly being birthed there and further promoted for the general benefit, even though she believes she has the least need to seek for blind humanity and, therefore, is least of all looking for it.

23. And so, it is not unusual for an insignificant ice peak of the Glockner to have a far greater effect over many lands than the not very significant large cities of the world, from which quite disproportionately many bad outcomes have been made and offered in relation to the good outcomes.

24. So consequently such a mountain counts far more than all the industry of England, France and North America, and so on.

25. Since we are now at the end of this contemplation for the heart, if not for the mathematical mind, we would like to turn to the next, third and thus last and greatest usefulness of our Grossglockner; however, for today we leave it at that!

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