
Chapter 14 The Household of God, Book 1

12. "Everything I have lost you have also lost through Me since you have sinned through me and with me with the exception of one whom to call my son I am no longer worthy. He has remained within the fullness of grace and blessing in all might and power, pure and just before the all-seeing eyes of the most holy and good Father, His Love and His Spirit.

13. "That is my beloved Abel whom the most just Lord has also taken from us since my eyes cannot see him anywhere. And this surely so that I, and all of you through me, are to experience what it means to have fallen from the grace of eternal Love into the severe justice of the Lord through the sin of careless disobedience to His so mild laws of love and the easy commandments of grace.

14. "O children, take all this to heart what I have now told you and try to convince yourselves whether I have spoken the truth. Then come and judge for yourselves what time it now is. Should we weep and grieve in deep remorse or may we still find something that could give joy to our hearts?

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