
Chapter 15 The Household of God, Book 1

12. "Behold, I am unworthy of this existence. Therefore, do annihilate me completely for ever so that I may no longer exist and my greatest and personal guilt may thereby be wiped out for all future blessed descendants of Adam and Eve!"

13. And behold, his brother took the sword into his left hand and wielded it again - but this time over Cain's breast.

14. Now new life flowed into Cain and his hunger for death left him; instead, his hunger for life became all the greater. But he could not find anything to satisfy it promptly, and so he turned once more to Abel and said:

15. "Look, brother, I greatly hunger for a food of life that contains life and not death, like the flesh of the serpent and its cold blood. For behold, brother, since I have now from the depth of my being recognized what I was like before and what I am like now, I feel great remorse and a great hunger and burning thirst for the divine love and its great mercy. For I weep without a voice and my repentance is without tears. Therefore, give me the voice of love and quench my great thirst with the tears of repentance.

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