
Chapter 3 The Household of God, Book 1

13. This means that they shall in all earnest go within, recognize themselves and then present their discovered weaknesses to Me in their hearts. I shall remove the dirt from their hearts and fill them with the fire of My divine fatherly love. Thus cleansed they shall then show themselves to the priest through and in the confession. Thereupon I will come and share the joyous feast with them before the altar.

14. Tell them also that they must on no account take offence at anything in or about the church, for I purify every food I recommend for the one who wishes to partake of it in spirit and in truth and so he can enjoy it without fear. What I give to My children is clean and is not desecrated through the outer form for those for whom I have blessed it. I shall bless the temple, and the place where they are shall be hallowed. For I, their holy Father, shall be in their midst wherever they go, and not a hair on their head shall be hurt.

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