
Chapter 5 The Household of God, Book 1


1. He, who has ears to hear, let him hear and who has eyes to see, let him see. I will reveal a great secret to you that you may see how your most loving and holy Father presents Himself in a brotherly manner, enabling you to see and enjoy Him face to face. For the children must be introduced to their Father's great household from eternity.

2. The Deity was from eternity the power permeating all endlessness of infinity, and It was and is and will forever be infinity itself. In the center of Its depth I was from eternity the Love and the very life within It; but behold, I was blind like an embryo in the womb. The Deity, however, took pleasure in Its love and pressed hard towards it And the Love felt hotter and hotter in its center, masses upon masses of the Deity assailed it and all powers and forces stormed towards it

3. Then there arose a great hum, a storming and roaring and, behold, Love became fearful and was pressed hard from all sides so that it trembled deep within. And Love became aware of it, and the hum became a sound, and the sound within Love became a word, and the word spoke: "Let there be light!" And the flame in the heart of the ignited Love began to blaze and it became light in all the spaces of infinity.

4. And God saw the great glory of His Love within Him, and Love was strengthened with the power of the Deity, and thus the Deity united with Love forever and the light issued from the warmth.

5. And lo, Love saw within the Deity all the glories whose number is endless, and the Deity saw how all this flowed into It from Love, and Love saw its thoughts within the Deity and found great pleasure in them. Thereupon Love ignited anew and the powers of the Deity moved around it and behold: The thoughts emanating from Love were themselves love and were countless.

6. The Deity saw Its glory and Love felt Its power. And the Love within the Deity spoke: "Let us hold fast the thoughts of glory and cause them to go forth so that they may become free and perceive Us and become aware of how We perceive and see them and how We perceived and saw them before the light illuminated their forms!"

7. Then the Word passed into the Deity and It became Love throughout And lo, the Deity spoke for the first time: "Let there be!" And a host of spirits whose number is countless was set free out of the Deity, and Love saw Itself endlessly multiplied and saw Its infinite beauty in perfection.

8. However, all the beings were not yet alive and did not yet perceive and see, for they were still fixed forms in the Deity outside of Love.

9. And Love felt compassion and began to stir, and the motion rose within the Deity, and the Deity gave Its captives to Love and Love permeated all. And lo, the forms became alive and looked at each other in amazement and warmed themselves at the flames streaming from divine Love and thereby received independent movement and mobility. But they did not know themselves as yet.

10. Then Love spoke again: "Let Us make them recognize themselves, so that they may know Me and through Me also You."

11. Once again the Word arose within the Deity, and the Word sounded within the Deity, and the Word became law, and the law was Love and flowed into all.

12. And behold, there were made Three, and from them came forth Seven! And the Three equaled the Love, the Light and the Deity, and the Seven equaled the seven spirits of God. They are and shall forever be called: Love the Love. Fear the Deity that slays, - lest you be slain. The love within you is holy; so respect each other as the Love within the Deity respects you and is pleased with you. Everyone belongs to himself and belongs to the Love of God. Therefore, let no one be prey to another. Let no one ever hide his face from the other to prevent the other from knowing what love is like, - and that you may be like the Love which called you into existence. Let your innermost be like your outermost so that no wrong emotion may arise within you and you perish. Your outermost shall be the true reflection of your inner mirror in which the Love of the Deity gazes upon Itself; otherwise the inner mirror will break to pieces and your form become hideous.

13. Then the Deity thundered in the infinite spaces a dreadful judgment to the transgressors and they were bidden worship of the Deity in the greatest fear and love of the Love. And they were set out of the Deity in the greatest freedom and could do as they pleased, and nothing shall impede their freedom until such time as they will have recognized themselves in their freedom and their humility, so that the law may become their own and they then completely free.

14. However, now they became aware of their great might and their all- outshining splendor and majesty, and the first of the three, the light of the Deity, inflamed in his desire to fully overpower the Deity. Through him were kindled also a great part of the spirits he had created. Thereupon the Deity became inflamed with anger, as did also the two lower spirits of the three, and cast the evil gang into the most profound depth of Its wrath.

15. And the two, and those who had come forth from them, and the seven, whose number was just, were found faithful in their humility and were admitted into the spheres of the might of God. And Love saw that they had been found pure and rejoiced in their perfection. And behold, the power of the Deity rose within the Love, and the Deity moved and the created noticed the movement of the Deity. And the Deity moved towards Its Love and the eyes of the created were opened and they saw eternal Love for the first time.

16. Then the hosts of the countless beings were amazed and there was jubilation and great joy among them, for they saw the might of God within Love and saw the love within themselves and also the power, which had called them into existence. They recognized themselves and recognized Love and God.

17. Now the Deity moved and the created were afraid. And Love saw their fear and that it was just. And their fear became obedience and obedience was humility and the humility was their love, and love became their law and the law their eternal freedom, and the freedom became their life and the life their eternal bliss.

18. And lo, eternal Love spoke to them and they understood the Word! Then their tongues were loosened, and the first word that flowed from their lips was love. And the Deity was pleased with the tone of their speech and was moved by love, and the movement took form within the created, and the form became sound, and the sound was the second word -God.

19. And only now were the created perfected. And Love spoke to the created: 'The first among you was lost. Therefore, I am taking his place and shall be among you forever!"

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