
Chapter 5 The Household of God, Book 1

26. And now behold: This last drop became the planet earth, which you and your brothers inhabit. And the other drops were formed into countless suns, planets and moons of all kinds. And lo, thus came into existence the visible firmament with its stars, the sun, the moon and the visible earth with its oceans and firm land.

27. Now lift up your eyes and see, and you shall comprehend the wonders of eternal Love! You always see the radiance of the sun, the light of the moon and the shimmer and glitter of the stars in their varied constellations, which you call the signs of the Zodiac. You see also the great variety of formations in all the three kingdoms of nature of the natural earth. However, to this day no one has fathomed and properly comprehended the nature and source of the sun's radiance and how it has come about, the shine of the moon, the shimmer and glitter of the stars and their most varied constellations and the structure of the earth.

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