
Chapter 6 The Household of God, Book 1


1. Now lift your eyes from the earth to the sun, which is a true image of the reborn! Look closely and you will notice that there sometimes appear spots on its belt. Behold, from a natural point of view they are eruptions from within, as from the volcanoes of the earth. They represent eruptions of the Deity's wrath and small indications of It's all-destructive might which, according to the nature of the world, always makes itself partly known on earth through more or less violent storms, depending on the size of the spots. However, Love then becomes all the more active and appeases everything again with the water of mercy and on the sun with great floods from the boundless sea of It's merciful grace. And behold, in this way everything is once more restored to perfect order, wherein I am eternal Love Itself from the Eternity of eternities. Out of, and in this order everything that exists was made and nothing can be or come into existence outside of it. And whoever voluntarily steps out of this order acts adversely to love and life and will perish forever.

2. Now you have beheld the sun and conceived its nature, which is - and must be simple in order that it can exist for the purpose for which it is - and must be - there out of the order of Love.

3. Now turn your eyes to the rebirth of the spirit, to the people of God and to the law of Love and to the life of freedom in the light of the grace from the waters of mercy, and the sun will float before your eyes unveiled, and not one of its folds shall remain hidden from you.

4. But behold, also the sun has its poles from which all its light and warmth out of the center of the stillness of grace pour forth spreading all over it. If it did not have the stillness of the poles, it would not have any light. For the stillness is indispensable for the reception of light, and warmth and must be like the stillness of love in God. Only from stillness comes the receptivity for life and light.

5. And behold, when the air is still, it is also a clear and bright day on earth, whereas violent winds blowing in all directions will soon cause black clouds to appear and darken the light.

6. Your desires through which you are surrounded by all kinds of cares resemble the winds. They prevent the light of grace from flowing into you, as the clouds driven by the winds prevent the rays of the sun from falling upon the earth.

7. Therefore, you shall not worry, but direct and transfer all your desires and the resultant cares to Me, so that you may be at peace and I can keep flowing into you.

8. Behold, as the earth rotates regularly around the stillness of its poles according to My order, effected by the might of My love, so that none of its parts remain without light, also an your actions shall result from My love which dwells within you since the beginning, and is later activated according to your ability through the Word of eternal Love given in the law of grace and mercy. And as the night refreshes the earth, so you shall be refreshed by love; and the light from the sun of grace, like the day on earth is illumined shall illumine you.

9. You shall be like the winter, which is cold in its stillness and thereby above all capable of receiving the warmth into the deepest depths of the earth. And to whom winter has come, spring will come too, as the first life of love within you. And summer will come in the fullest activity out of the life of love, which through grace has become strong within you. Then quiet autumn will come with the fruits of the labors of love and grace and you will enter into the life of the sun as fully reborn to behold the countenance of your holy Father and, like the sun, give light to all the world through the great power of the grace, love and mercy of your exceedingly good and holy Father.

10. But he who is not like the moon and does not become like the earth is incapable of becoming like the sun. He is like a comet without any firmness, and his nature is a stolen One from the suns' outflows of grace; his path is disorderly like the ways of thieves and robbers, and he is driven by the fear of light from one cosmic depth to another and will never again in all eternity find rest. The light will pursue him on all his ways and illumine his nothingness.

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