
Chapter 2 The Healing Power of Sunlight

6. The diet is the same as used in homeopathy with great care, except that one has to start with this diet 3-7 days earlier than in ordinary homeopathic treatment. During the preceding diet the patient may have several drinks of water during the day which has been exposed to the sunlight.

7. As a drinking vessel a lighter shade of violet glass, or at least a little porcelain pot glazed with this color, is preferable to anything else.

8. In order to make the water particularly effective, you could also use a burning glass of at least 1.5 schuh (45 cm) diameter with a focal distance of, at the most, 3 feet and with it direct the concentrated sunrays, as they appear in the focal point onto the water in such a way that the focal point, depending on the height of the vessel, falls 1, 2 or up to 3 zoll (1.5 to 4.5 cm) below the surface of the water, that is, more in the center of the water mass. However, the focal point must not be more than half a minute in the water as thereby the certain invigorating spirits of the water would be captivated too much by the light spirits from the sun, and with weaker natures such a water would produce a too violent effect which would be detrimental rather than beneficial to the subsequent main cure.

9. Also a good, pure wine, provided it is not kept in oak containers, but either in skins, as in former times, or in glass bottles, or maybe even casks from sweet wood, can be treated in the same way as the water and is preferable in the case of people with weak nerves.

10. After the use of this remedy, the same diet – according to the season – must be observed for 3 months. The patient should be outdoors in the fresh air often, when the sun is shining, and he will be completely restored to health.

11. Married couples shall note that, during the time of treatment, they must refrain from sexual intercourse, for the sperm of both sexes is a principal life-specific and the soul must not be deprived of it during the restoration of its body.

12. If a person who has thus been restored to health subsequently lives a moderate and orderly life, he will not easily fall ill again and may reach a ripe old age.

13. This is one method by which the sunlight can be used to serve people’s health. But another one and several more methods I will add to your knowledge soon.

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