
Chapter 3 The Healing Power of Sunlight

4. In illnesses which need quick help and relief, the remedy can, in both methods, be given to the patient immediately. But where it is possible, the earlier described preliminary diet with the drinking of sunned water should be observed as this saves the soul considerable effort and the subsequent healing is surer and faster.

5. These sun impregnated sugar crumbs may also be effectively used as follows:

6. After the patient has taken, during the day, several glasses of sunned water, let him lie down in a good bed where in a few hours he will properly perspire.

7. When this happens, take 1-3 crumbs of the sunned sugar, dip them into a drop of perspiration and administer it to him. He will then be feeling a slight pressure in his head and stomach and a sickly chill all over his body. This chill will be followed by a light diarrhea, whereupon he will be completely healed.

8. The described effect may, with some people, last 3 days, with others even up to 7 days, depending on the patient’s light or heavy nature.

9. Following his recovery, the patient should continue on the diet for a few weeks and drink a glass of sunned water from time to time. He will then be completely cured of whatever disease he may have had.

10. Here it is of importance to note that with illnesses which result from plethora (too much blood) a preceding diet is absolutely essential, as it is prescribed in the best homeopathy.

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