
Chapter 79 From Hell to Heaven, Book 1

2. I reply quietly: “My dearest, I shall Myself begin the discussion, as soon as all will be sufficiently at ease. The man sitting next to you is the Patriarch Adam, the way he lived on Earth about six thousand years ago, as the first created man. Next to him you see Noah and then Father Abraham, then Isaac and Jacob. Then you see two more – first Moses and then David. The twelve earnest looking men after them are the well known twelve disciples (including Matthew of Acts 1:26). Two more apostles stand behind them – the first one is Paul, and the one somewhat behind him is Judas, who betrayed Me. The others you know anyway. And so you know in what strange company you find yourself.

3. “What all those present at this council will be required to do shall become clear to you at the end of the discussions. But pay heed now! The company has settled down emotionally, and so I shall begin to speak at once. But you must not take fright when I shall sometimes speak somewhat sharply, and certain appearances pass us which of course shall not favourably impress. Then just hold fast unto Me and you shall be strengthened!”

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