
Chapter 3 Three Days in the Temple

However all this does not matter, I only mention these things which are well known to Me, in order to point out to you more clearly the place where the said parents dwelt for three years. From there they are said to have gone back, obeying a higher secret command, to Nazareth where they now live completely devoted to the Will of God, as much withdrawn as possible, although many stories are told of the wonderful acts of the boy whom I have the honour of knowing very well. For even the elements obey Him, and the wildest animals of the woods and deserts flee before His gaze, more awesome than that of a thousand hunters. For in this respect He is like a thousand Nimrods! In all earnestness, do you really know nothing about all this?! Tell Me quite honestly and truthfully - have you really seriously never heard about all this?” – Three Days in the Temple, Chapter 3, Paragraph 8

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