The Household of God [HG] (3 volumes)
The Fly [FL]
The Twelve Hours [TH]
The Moon [MO]
Saturn [SA]
The Grossglockner [GR]
The Natural Sun [NS] Announcements about our sun and its natural conditions
The Spiritual Sun [SS] (2 volumes)
The Childhood of Jesus [CJ] Biographical Gospel of the Lord
Explanation of Scriptures [EXP]
Paul's Letter to Laodicea [LAO]
Correspondence with Jesus [COR] Correspondence between Abgarus and Jesus
The Earth [EA]
Beyond the Threshold [BTT] Deathbed scenes
Bishop Martin [BM] Sunsets into Sunrises
From Hell to Heaven [RB] (2 volumes) Robert Blum condensed
The Healing Power of Sunlight [HPS]
Three Days in the Temple [TDT]
The Great Gospel of John [GGJ] (10 volumes)